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Sexologist & Certified Sex Therapist 

Growing up I felt like no one understood me. I was told how to be, who to be and there was always this constant struggle, not because I wasn’t trying. My ADHD diagnosis came later in life and in that moment, everything made so much more sense. While I had more clarity, I had a lot of work to put into undoing all those narratives growing up telling me about who and what I needed to be. 


This also fell into my intimate life. No one was talking about how ADHD shows up in our relationships and intimacy. I did so much work regrowing empowerment and trust within myself but still struggled to find that empowerment and trust in both my relationships and intimate life. 


I became a sex therapist because sex and intimacy are EVERYWHERE, and we are given a false narrative on how to explore and engage in these areas of our lives by media, friends/families, other professionals outside of sex therapy, schools ect. We are given a narrative about sexuality that is geared more from the entertainment side, not the real-life version of experience. I will never forget being in Starbucks working on my bachelor’s degree and reading about the female anatomy and blurting outload “THAT’S WHAT THAT IS?!?!”. In that moment my destiny, my path was set. No one ever taught me about my body or other bodies. How could I have empathy for myself or others when it came to sexuality if the correct information wasn’t given to me? 


Clients who come to me have tried it all and still have seen no change.  I help individuals who are done feeling disconnected and stuck in their sexuality. I provide the space to explore and discuss the ways to set your environments up for success while actively throwing away the false narrative that has been shoved down your throat on what success should look like when it comes to your relationships and intimacy. 


Concentration of work:

·       Sexual Dysfunctions (i.g., Erectile Disorder, Diminished Desire, Pelvic Pain)

·       BDSM/Kink

·       ADHD in relationships and sex 

·       Desire/ Pleasure 

·       Porn/sex addiction  

·       Paraphilia's

·       Women’s health including Perimenopause and Menopause



I hold a Masters In Social Welfare from Stony Brook University and have been practicing since 2019​
In addition to my private practice I also teach college level Psychology classes including: Introduction to psychology, Child Development, and Human Sexuality


AASECT member : 1428943


Certified Sex Therapist 

AASECT Certified Sex Therapist 








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